Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So we've started hardcore training at our venue. In the past few days, we've met Ernst and Amy, our two other ONS reporters. They're really awesome and a wealth of information when it comes to both the job and the sport. Tomorrow, we meet our Sports Information Supervisor who is solely there to help us, as well as the journalists covering cycling, with sport and event-specific information.

Today, we got to see where we will be (as of now) living for the next couple months: the mixed zone. Just to let y'all know, if you happen to watch any cycling on TV, and the mixed zone stays where it is right now, you'll see a Purdue student. Flat out. From where we stand, waiting for athletes to come talk to journalists, we're a five yards way from the track. And not even the boring straightaway part of the track...the awesome 43 degree slant of the track. We're able to see pretty much 100% of any race.

Now, the downside is that we're also in the middle of everything: the whizzing bikes, the music and announcements in between events, medal presentations and much much more. But, as I say, we've been hearing rumors that the whole setup might change, so who knows.


KittyMarie said...

Good luck with your work! Perhaps I will turn on the cycling events, just on the off-chance I'll see you, if only for the briefest moment ;-) Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Also, I just saw your group picture on the Purdue Study Abroad website! Yay!