Saturday, August 2, 2008

Really? An Hour?! or "How I Learned to Find a Shallow, Thoughtless Mystery Book"

So, after yesterday's respite, we got up early this morning for a dress rehearsal of sorts. Today was meant to be a sort of test for all of the security staff, as well as a chance to get all of the cogs of the media machine to work together. We got there, I later than everyone else since no one let me know that they left, and we weren't given any information about what "events" we would be covering and what "athletes" we would be talking to.

So, we get out to the mixed zone and wait. And wait. And wait. And then two Chinese volunteers come through. We aren't given their names or anything, but are expected to simulate a real mixed zone. So, we do the best we can, run back downstairs and type up the best Flash Quote Report we can come up with and then head off to a "press conference".

We knew walking into the mock press conference that they purposely wanted us to ask difficult questions, i.e. questions about doping, the weather, things like that. But, that directive quickly took a backseat to the fact that the translator, another Chinese volunteer, didn't understand even the germane questions we were asking. So, even though we dipped our toes into the controversial waters, it was hard to do when we just got blank stares returned to us.

And, then, we were done. We were there at 9:30 and outside looking for a place to eat by 10:30. And, before we left, we learned that while we originally thought that we would be going to do the same thing at the BMX venue tomorrow afternoon, we were told to be there at a shiny 9:30 am again. And, 9:00 the morning after that.

This is the first real test that everyone else has had here at the venue. I just hope things go a little better tomorrow...for everyone's sake.

Then, after a lunch at Sizzler, we went to this international bookstore. Lately, I've been reading a lot of philosophy: heavy stuff. So I bought a couple of just detective stories to take my mind of Aristotle and how St. Thomas' rules of just war apply to Season 3 of 24. And, no, I'm not kidding.

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